Volunteering Policies and Waiver

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Upper Charles. As a volunteer, you play a key role in Upper Charles’ success. The following has been prepared to help ensure that your volunteer service is safe and positive for you and everyone seeking to enjoy the Upper Charles experience.

Project Direction

You will work under the direction of a project leader who will be either a Upper Charles staff member or a volunteer. Your project leader will explain the job to you and point out areas of special concern. Please ask questions at any time if you are unsure about anything, need additional information about your assigned tasks, or new concerns develop.

Power Equipment and Safety

You should not use power equipment unless authorized by your project leader. Your project leader may authorize you to use power equipment if you have demonstrated competence in the use of the tool, have knowledge of safety procedures and are equipped with appropriate safety equipment. If you are unfamiliar with the safe and proper use of tools needed for your job, ask your project leader.


Volunteer work often requires strenuous physical activity. Upper Charles cannot be expected to be aware of, or responsible for, particular medical or physical conditions that may create health risks for a volunteer while participating in a Upper Charles activity. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are in sufficiently good physical condition to perform the tasks you have volunteered for without risk to your health. Under no circumstances should you arrive for a volunteer assignment impaired by drugs or alcohol.


If you become ill or are injured while you are on duty as a volunteer or if you should accidentally damage property or equipment or cause an injury while performing your duties, notify your project leader and appropriate authorities immediately.


If your assignment involves work with member or donor programs, please be advised that all related information and records are strictly confidential and proprietary, and are not to be disclosed, discussed or used in any way other than as directed by your project leader and required by the task.

Protection of Children

Children often participate in Upper Charles events, programs or activities. Upper Charles’ policy is that no staff member or volunteer shall work with an unattended child without another volunteer or staff member being present. An “unattended child” is a child who is not in the company of a parent or other adult family member. If your volunteer assignment involves working directly with children, Upper Charles may wish to perform a background check from criminal history and sex offender data bases. In such case, Upper Charles will ask you to supply sufficient personal information so that we may conduct such a background check.