Are donations tax deductible?
The Upper Charles Conservation Land Trust Inc. is a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) public charity.
Within IRS guidelines, contributions may be tax deductible from your taxable income. Please consult your tax adviser for more information.
Can I bring my dog to Upper Charles Properties?
Yes. We ask that all owners follow these guidelines:
- Leash dogs
- Control excessive noise
- Do not leave dogs unattended
- Pick up and dispose of dog waste
- Prevent digging and destructive behavior
How can I get permission to hunt on Upper Charles Properties?
Hunting on Upper Charles land is presently prohibited.
What is your Federal Tax ID number?
Our Federal Tax ID number is available by request.
How can I become a volunteer?
Thank you for your interest in Upper Charles. We have many opportunities for volunteers, from administrative work to stewardship help. Please visit our Volunteer page or e-mail